294 votes
Texas State University, 2021
No more than a month ago, four people came together to form the band Caution Tape. The band consists of Leighton Gambles, Darrah Reese, Marco Orellana and Madeleine Rice, all Texas State University students. Within a week of playing as a group, we managed to book a live gig and are currently in preparation for our debut... Read more
No more than a month ago, four people came together to form the band Caution Tape. The band consists of Leighton Gambles, Darrah Reese, Marco Orellana and Madeleine Rice, all Texas State University students. Within a week of playing as a group, we managed to book a live gig and are currently in preparation for our debut (on April 20th). Our writing process has been effective and streamlined thus far. We collectively aspire to remain active within the music industry in our future careers, whether through performance, studio work, business, or therapy. Our varying backgrounds exhibit a unique and original sound that's difficult to compare or pin down. Created as recently as the band is our first (though not only) song, listed as our video submission.
Score: 294